SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

Generally, PPU applies policies and regulations of equality and inclusiveness in all procedures, especially recruitment, as candidates for jobs are selected upon their competencies regardless of their gender, religion or belief, race, or physical disability. PPU also has no discriminatory measures for or against any nationality where all students are treated equally on their merits and performance. Also, staff are hired, evaluated, propomoted and paid according to their qualifications and performance, there are no discriminatory measures for or against any staff member based on their nationality. 

PPU is also active in reducing inequalities among its community in general through carrying out initiatives against discrimination of any kind. Many programs, in partnership with local and international NGOs, include staff members training programs on inequality especially for disabled women, building concepts for good governance including establishing institutional policies and plans for the disabled, women empowerment in the workplace, anti-abuse and anti-discrimination measures, in addition to rehabilitation of infrastructure towards facilitating movement and reachability of resources for the elderly, ill or disabled individuals.

Diversity and inclusion statement