General guidelines:
This Occupational Safety Policy is intended to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all employees, students, visitors, and contractors of Palestine Polytechnic University - PPU. This policy establishes the major guidelines interpreted in an OSP manual to prevent workplace accidents and injuries, and to comply with relevant occupational safety laws and regulations.
The University is committed to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment for all employees, students, visitors, and contractors. This policy is reviewed and updated to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in safeguarding occupational safety.
1. Scope:
This policy applies to all employees, students, visitors, and contractors of PPU who work on or visit University premises, or who perform University-related work off-campus.
2. Roles and Responsibilities:
a. Senior Management:
Senior management provides leadership, resources, and support for the implementation of this policy. They ensure that occupational safety is given priority in the University's operations and decision-making.
b. Employees, Students, and Contractors:
Employees, students, and contractors comply with this policy, and take reasonable care to ensure their own safety and the safety of others.
c. Safety Officers:
The University safety officers are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of this policy and the OSP manuals.
3. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment:
The University identifies workplace hazards and assesses the risks associated with them. The results of the risk assessments shall be used to develop appropriate control measures to prevent or minimize the risks.
4. Control Measures:
a. Engineering Controls:
Engineering controls are implemented to eliminate or minimize workplace hazards. This includes the use of safety guards, ventilation systems, and ergonomic equipment.
b. Administrative Controls:
Administrative controls are implemented to minimize the risks associated with workplace hazards. This includes procedures for safe work practices, training and education, and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE).
c. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
PPE are provided to employees, students, and contractors where necessary to protect them from workplace hazards. The University provides appropriate training on the proper use and maintenance of PPE.
5. Emergency Response:
The University has emergency response procedures in place to respond to workplace accidents, injuries, and other emergencies. These procedures are communicated to employees, students, and contractors.
6. Training and Communication:
The University provides regular training and communication to employees, students, and contractors on occupational safety policies and procedures through the Center of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health. This includes training on hazard identification, risk assessment, control measures, first aid, emergency response, and the proper use of PPE.