All programs and services are equally open and delivered to beneficiaries of all genders according to unbiased and fair criteria. Whether it is a promotion, a scholarship, a mobility program, or any other advancement in academic or administrative track for a student or staff member; it is given to the best candidate based only on scientific and academic merits with no favorable attitude or treatment given to one gender over the other.
On a broader look at the community, PPU pays special attention to female empowerment through developmental initiatives such as holding women's entrepreneurship projects and women empowerment initiatives, especially in marginalized areas and high poverty zones such as the Old City in Hebron and C areas in the West Bank. PPU is active in reducing inequalities by supporting people with disabilities, especially women. it is a partner in a program that includes training programs, building concepts for good governance including establishing institutional policies and plans for disabled women empowerment in the workplace, anti-abuse and anti-discrimination measures, in addition to rehabilitation of infrastructure towards facilitating movement and reachability of resources.