TEVT centre Vision:
Toward a specialised technical and vocational center in marble and stone.
TEVT centre mission
A technical and Vocational center that is properly prepared and equipped to provide training, research, consultancy and professional services to the natural stone sector in Palestine and the region in order to play a strategic role in ensuring sustainability and further development of the stone and marble industry.
Objectives of the TEVT Center
- Contribute in the development and sustainability of the marble and stone sector in Palestine through enhanced education, competences and skills of the concerned enterpreneurs, managers and employees.
- Arrange and organize trained cources and workshops for employees working in stone and marble industries and related sectors.
- Carry out several laboratory tests on stone and marble which is accredeted nationally and internationaly and needed by palestinian manufaturers during exporting stone and marble products, and there will be no need to go to israeli and international labs to carry out tests. (TEVT center will save time and money by doing tests in the center lab).
- Provide a cooperative-competitive environment for facilitating exchange of experiences, sharing information, related to stone and marble industry with the neighbor countries.
- Contribute in development of standards and specifications in stone and marble industry.
- Arrange field tours for the center students to stone and marble companies and quarries in order to put students in real situation of stone industry.
- Arrange tours for schools especially industrial ones for TEVT center in order to inform students on the machinary and steps of stone production.