Visions Objectives

PPUISC Visions

The vision of the PPUISC is mainly represented by building a bridge between Palestinian industry on the one hand, with engineering education at PPU on the other hand, and it's mission is to focus on providing industry with competencies, knowledge, and technical services required for the process of development, which in turn leads to improving education quality and  enhancing quality of local products, through developing education, training, applied research, and field work. This for sure results in reinforcing sustainable development opportunities in occupied Palestine.

PPUISC Objectives
PPUISC is achieving it's insights and missions through obtaining the following general objectives:

  • Academic Development: developing educational programs, curricula development, and staff capacity building.
  • Training: designing and implementing training programs for those engineers and technicians working in different industrial and service sectors.
  • Teaching/Learning Environment: providing information resources such as books, scientific journals, and software, in addition to improving the infrastructure of laboratories in hand with providing equipments, modules, and devices necessary for education and training.
  • Applied Research: conducting scientific applied researches and development studies, and activating graduation projects oriented to industry, aiming at problem solving and development measures.
  • Services: offering consulting and technical services by means of establishing an Industrial Products Quality Testing Unit.
  • Community Role: contribution in job creation for graduates through improving their competencies to be compatible with local market needs.

PPUISC is also achieving the following minor objectives:

  • Increasing vertical and horizontal networking with partners of common relation, and constructing societal partnerships such as Memoranda of Understanding (MOU's) with multiple industrial unions.
  • Adopting new pilot development projects.
  • Gaining financial and moral support.
  • Enhancing competencies and capacity building for engineers working in the local associations by means of training.