PPU Awarded German Post-Doctoral Fellowship and Graduation Projects

Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) - جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين تفوز بمنحة مشروع ما بعد الدكتوراة وبعدد من مشاريع تخرج من خلال جسر العلوم الالماني الفلسطيني PGSB.

The College of Applied Sciences at PPU, represented by the Department of Applied Biology, won a post-doctoral project grant through the Palestinian German Science Bridge (PGSB). Dr. Rawan Mlih received funding through the PGSB Returners Program in collaboration with Dr. Roland Paul of the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG) at Forschungszentrum Jülich and Dr. Sharaf Al-Tardeh of the Department of Applied Biology in the College of Applied Sciences.

The proposed research aims to test the applicability of novel iron oxides nanoparticles for environmental application in Hebron. A significant portion of the study will be carried out in Palestine in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Sciences at Palestine Polytechnic University.

Several students from the Applied Biology Program were awarded funding to work on their graduation projects through PGSB in collaboration with Dr. Arnd Kuhn and Dr. Christina Kuchendorf from the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG) and Dr. Sharaf from the Applied Biology Program. These graduation projects aim to test the effects of alternative biofertilizers on nutrient fate and save transfer, plant performance, as well as early soil formation.

These projects are part of the joint collaboration between PPU, the College of Applied Sciences, and Jülich Research Institute. They establish new avenues for networking, information exchange, and research collaboration with Germany, all of which will benefit the university, students and Palestinian society.

For more information about the winning projects, visit the Palestine Academy for Science and Technology website at the following links:






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