Business Startup Incubators Support (BSIS) at Palestine Polytechnic University completed a training camp in the study of the market for start-up enterprises.


The BSIS in the Center of Excellence at Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) has held a training camp entitled " The Market Study of Small and Micro Startup Projects" within the domain of BSIS program supported by the European Union and administered by Belgian Development Agency (BTC) with the participation of 25 novice entrepreneurial teams.

Over two days, dozens of entrepreneurs from Hebron District attended the training camp which aims at selecting a number of ideas that the BSIS would like to support in Hebron District for eight months.

Mr. Maher Saleh, an expert in the marketing studies of startup enterprises,  introduced a number of  interactive training activities. These activities aim to  help the owners of the startup projects and the holders of ideas to confront the most prominent challenges and problems that they may face. This can be achieved by using the tools of evaluation and assessment of these ideas, testing the market and estimating the customers' needs, in addition to introducing the skills that are needed for presenting these ideas.

At the closing session of the last day, an evaluation committee was formed consisting of Maher Saleh, the trainer, Mr. Ali Ramadan, the Director of BSIS at Hebron branch, Mr. Amjad Al-Natsheh and Abdel- Naser Da’na, the administrators of marketing at the College of Administrative Sciences, and Mr. Zuhair al-Muhtaseb, the coordinator of the business incubator of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hebron. This where the participants will be filtered out to join the training program entitled "Start your business plan."

The BSIS project aspires to create a pioneering and entrepreneurial generation of creative young people and help them to create their own work opportunities through the establishment of their small and micro companies in six sites in Palestine.


Public Relations Department