International Hellenic University (I.H.U.), partner of the MEDiterranean QUadruple helix Approach to Digitalisation project, with the project Lead Beneficiary Epimorfotiki Kilkis (GR) are the organizers of the international seminar. The aim of the thematic seminar is the analysis and planning of the role, tasks and responsibilities of the Civic University in the frame of the Quadruple Helix model for innovation. The role of the Civic University will be presented and analyzed from the perspective of the six universities participating in the project. The purpose of the seminar is to inform and give the opportunity to participants to interact during the seminar and exchange views on how the role of the civic university is formed in the Mediterranean.
Partners in the MED-QUAD project are: Epimorfotiki Kilkis sm llc (Greece) International Hellenic University (Greece), University of L'Aquila (Italy), Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport - AASTMT (Egypt), Al-Balqa 'Applied University - BAU (Jordan), Palestine Polytechnic University - PPU (Palestine), University of Sousse (Tunisia). Besides the project’s partners, also six associated partners from the participating countries are actively participating in a supporting role. Partners' representatives and local stakeholders will attend the international seminar in person. The seminar will also be livestreamed on YouTube.
For the 1st day please click here
For the 2nd day please click here
Attendees from academia, industry, intellectuals, government officials, developers, and postgraduate students from Mediterranean countries are invited to get to know MED-QUAD project and talk about the role of Civic University!
MED-QUAD project is inviting attendees from academia, industry, intellectuals, government officials, developers, and postgraduate students from Mediterranean countries to this International Seminar so they can acquire new skills about the role of the Civic University and transfer to their network valuable knowledge and methods which are based on the Quadruple Helix Approach.
You can download the information package of the International Seminar here!