اعلان للتعاقد مع مدقق مالي خارجي لمشروع "MED-QUAD"

جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين الشريكة في مشروع MED-QUAD تسعى للتعاقد مع مدقق مالي خارجي للقيام بمهام التدقيق المالي اثناء تنفيذ المشروع. 
على الراغبين بالتقدم ارسال عروضهم حتى تاريخ 28/7/2021

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الاتصال على عنوان البريد الإلكتروني التالي: amjadasfour@ppu.edu

Palestine Polytechnic University – PPU

ENI Project: MEDiterranean QUadruple helix Approach to Digitalisation – MED-QUAD

Grant Agreement reference number: B-A.2.1-0088

Announcement: MED-QUAD External Financial Auditor Services

MED-QUAD project partner “Palestine Polytechnic University” is looking for an external financial auditor for the tasks of expenditure verification for the project implementation.

MED-QUAD is a cross-border project that aims to create the conditions - through the establishment of Mediterranean Cross-border two Living Labs: Smart Water Use Applications and Applied Research for Cultural Heritage Exploitation - for an effective interaction between the main innovation players of the Quadruple Helix: Academia, Industry, Civil Society and Governments in the digital economy. The project covers Greece, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Tunis and Palestine through a partnership of seven complementary organizations.

•             Interested applicants are invited to submit their bids by July 28, 2021.

•             For further information please contact the following e-mail address: amjadasfour@ppu.edu.



للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاطلاع على الملفات المرفقة



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