الاعلان عن مسابقة هولت لطلبة الجامعات في انحاء العالم

Call for applicants! Final deadline for applications is December 21, 2014. Apply now by visiting www.hultprize.org We are excited to invite you to apply to the 6th annual Hult Prize! Each year, the Hult Prize awards US$ one million in start-up capital to the team of students that creates the top sustainable start-up which can solve President Bill Clinton's challenge. This year, we are tackling early childhood education and will hold regional rounds of competition in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai and Shanghai. Applying is easy, and does not require you to submit an idea! Open to every college and university student on the planet, we are calling on you to create the next big company that gives children around the world access to early education. If you advance to one of the regional final rounds, you will then pitch your start-up enterprise to a panel of esteemed judges. One winning team per region will advance to our summer accelerator program and compete in the Global Finals which is hosted by President Bill Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting in September. The winner will take home one million dollars to launch their new company that will change the world! Join the world's largest student competition and crowdsourcing platform for social good and compete to launch the next bid idea that will change the world! Apply now at www.hultprize.org



دائرة العلاقات العامة